Welcome!! To my new... index!! We are still under most constructions, so my apolocheese for any mistakes I may have made!
(ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
Hello and welcome!! I'm Pinkamena Rose, buutttt most people call me Pinkie :3c I started coding about 3-4 years ago, thanks to my beloved best friend Beau [owner of only the best site on the interwebs!!!] This site is mainly going to be whatever makes me happy, so things related to art, music, and literature are most of what's to be expected here!
My biggest media interests are Ace Attorney, Madoka Magica, My Little Pony, and Phantom of the Opera,,, non media interests are seashells, learning any language I can get my pink little mitts on, the color pink, music, literature, the rococo era, lolita fashion and mortuary science!! What a mouthful, but I can never keep myself contained to one interest, I must try it all @.@
I consider my aesthetic as a mix of anything peenk and slightly peculiar,,, I've always wanted to look like a balljointed doll that is just SLIIGHTLY off to the point it's just eerie!!! This also influences my fashion, as I love dressing in puffy dresses [hoping to get my first BTSSB jsk soonn!!!!] and I'd call my taste a heavy mix of sweet and classic lolita :3
I think websites [or at least mine], are meant to be a home with slightly open doors, a nice little place for people to come in and relax with me, so of course, I have a cbox! But if one wishes to find me outside of this pretty pink dollhouse, you can find me by the handle kissingonclouds on most medias!!
Besides that, I pride myself on being as authentic as I can be, and I follow the wise words my friend said once, which is "you have nothing to lose except your chains"! So I unapologetically yume Raymond Shields [I do NOT call him Eddie Fender! I don't care if YOU use that name, don't push it on to me please] and Shelly de Killer for almost 5 and 4 years respectively! They have always been there for me at the end of the day, and believing I am their pretty wife is a big old comfort :3 I consider myself a riako,,, my love for them is too great!!!
With every introduction I HAVE to give the warning that I am... autistic!! [Shocking chord hit] and it affects how I communicate LOTS [if my typing style wasnt ehm,,, enough proofs of that :P] I'm also just prone to rambling,,, obviously ehe,,,, I've always said yapping is my love's language!! Soooo before I make this more insufferably long than it is, I welcome you again and again and hope you enjoy your stay!! kisses!
Hello there!!!!! Pinkie reporting LIVE with updates!!!
26.01.25 ~ ONE WHOLE NEW NAV BUTTON!! Slowly the rest will follow,,, [and yes the hover animation is just a png on top of the gif,,,, shhhhhh] shrine page made and lolita shrine started!!!
25.01.25 ~ Changed my button and added more library categories!!! [sadly no pages yet!]
23.01.25 ~ NEW Index banner!!! Ain't it pretty? :3
16.01.25 ~ First diary entry of the year! Harrowing tale of me losing my hubby in the war,,, that is life..... ù.ú
15.01.25 ~ Added a gifypet because I've always wanted one heehee :3
31.12.24 ~ Happy new year! I hope this coming year is kind to you and your heart :3 Added stamps and gifs across the site, Diary is now in new style with intro text! Added Shrines and Friends to Navigation bar!
30.12.24 ~ Small changes, images added to index and Library, commission page linked, but not updated!
27.12.24 ~ Library, update corner, and cbox added! Index steadily grows and I attempt to priss up my site!
Have u ever wondered what Pinkie's plans are for this pinkly site?? Well now you can knows!! :3
Welcome tooooo.....
My MAIN orders of businesses are getting shrine and collection pages up!!! But this takes lotsa lotsa pinkly planning,,, because each shrine will have a different theme,,, and it won't follow my main little template I made!!!! so very littles of ctrl c and v will help me,,,, u_u
My SECONDARY orders of businesses will be drawing banners!! Those hello kitties at the top??? Very cute,,, VEERY cute...,.,,.,. but they will be GONE!!! And replaced with pinkly banners that correspond with the current page u stare at!!!! I also wanna draw up some little graphics n whatnot for my navigation buttons and thingies like that,,, so a lot of drawing!!!!
I am hoping to join some more webrings, too! and have a little rotating thingy that shows all of my webringies,,,,
With the help of beauie, I can hopefully get to draw up silly little ads for my bestest of pals!! And they'll go around the sides of my main piecey thingy ORRRRR just around my site!! I'd want them to randomly generate too,,, but I'm not the bestest at js,,,,